TRIBUTE BY PAUL BRIFO - UMM CLASS OF 2003 Created by Paul Brifo on 10/15/2010 I got to know the late Thomas McRoberts in 1999 when i enrolled with the University of Minnesota, Morris (UMM) as an international student. Being an International student with very limited financial resources, Tom invited me to live with him to enable me to save some money for my college education. I lived with the late Tom McRoberts in his Morris home from 1999 to 2003 when i graduated from UMM. Humility, Neatness, generosity, affabilty, passion for excellence, sound judgement, kindness, gentleness, meticulousness - these are just a few of the rare qualities for which i will always remember the late Tom McRoberts. I owe a great deal of my academic achievements in UMM to his wise counseling and financial support. Even after graduating from UMM, i continued to consult Tom for advice/professional guidance whenever the need arose. The last time i spoke to Tom was in July 2010. He was undergoing a medical treatment at the Moyo clinic in Rochester,MN. He sounded a bit frail but he assured me that he was recovering speedily. Little did i know that i will be writing this tribute in his honor today. Tom, I thank the good Lord for your life and join the hymnist in saying: Now the Labourer's task is over Now the battle day is Past Now upon the farther shore Lands the voyage at last Father in thy gracious keeping Leave we now thy servant sleeping May your soul Rest in Perfect Peace